
Change the world by changing yourself

Every human being has an impact in this world. By changing ourselves to act more pure and uniting our actions, we will have a big influence in many areas of the world in a positive way. Even if it seems to be the smallest thing, don't delay and take action!

What we make...

As a streetwear brand, we don't just make simple clothes. We create sustainably sourced, high quality pieces, handmade in Europe with a meaningful flow of thought.

What we stand for...

Pure Hearts Never Die stands for the good in people. We want our customers to think more about this world and our purpose here, so we can be the best version of ourselves. Nothing on this planet belongs to us, so that is one more reason to act more responsible with other human beings, creatures and the environment.

The connection between material and spirituality is in our view very important, because more people tend to wear clothes only because they look good without a meaning behind.
The vision behind phnd™ is to make people pick up good habits. Even if they seem small, they change.

How we implement...

Besides clothing, we also donate 2,5% of our profit to charity projects and engage in various activities around the world. When we reach a reasonable amount of money, we will try our best to document these campaigns on our social media, so you can have a look into, how all your money has helped in many different areas.